New Beginnings

Hey Creatives! 

Hope you are all doing well! I know, I know! I said I was going to be consistent, but you know how life goes. However, I have been working really hard behind the scenes, collaborating with Dinner Land Tv as I went Behind The Bars with the good brother Kristufar. Featuring twice on the Just Wingin' It podcast. So, you know, I've been busy in these streets. LOL! Most importantly, I got a new logo, yay!!!!! This took a while to find the right person and see my vision come to fruition. But alas, it's here! 
I wanted something that had a simple and straight forward look.  I chose gold and black, because they just speak to me and are easily noticeable. Gold screams elegance and royalty, while black has a mysterious and polished flair to it. The crowns dotting the "I" also represents royalty. The laptop is self explanatory. I live on my laptop and I be writing and stuff. 

Major shoutout to AJ from Play Wrkshop for his patience, because I was doing a lot and his creative feedback. Thanks man! As stated in the title, this is a new beginning. My new logo has motivated to say the least to get back in the blogging game. So who's ready?! New and exciting posts soon come!

Thank you for reading and be sure to connect!

IG:  Creating Creativity
Twitter: Creatingtivity

Stay Creative,

xo Zaddy 


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