ART | Brooklyn Museum - The Dinner Party

Hey Creatives, 

In continuation of the Brooklyn Museum visit 

The Dinner Party, located in the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art in Brooklyn Museum, is an important icon of the 1970's feminist are and a milestone in 20th century art. It is composed of a massive ceremonial banquet, arranged on a triangular table (symbol for equality) with a total of 39 place setting, each honoring an important woman from history.

The settings consists of embroidered runners, gold chalices and utensils and china-painted porcelain plates with raised central motifs that are based on vulva and butterfly forms and rendered in styles appropriate to the individual women being honored. The names of each honoree was embroidered onto the tablecloth.

So majestic

Emily Dickison 

Sojourner Truth 


Anne Hutchinson

Snake Goddess


Eleanor of Aquitaine

The division of the presentation was quite interesting. There were three wings; Wing One, Wing Two and Wing Three.  
Wing One of the table begins in prehistoric to classical Rome figures. This wing marks the decline in women's power. Wing Two begins Christianity to the Reformation, depicting women who signify early expression for the fight for equal rights. Finally, Wing Three begins the American Revolution to the Women's Revolution highlights the movement of women's increased individual creative expression.

The Dinner Party was a great reiteration of women and their influence whether it be through fictional characters or real life heroines. The detail in this exhibit was nothing less than spectacular, from the light fixtures, placement of the arrangement, as well as the embroidery. Simple exquisite! 

Unfortunately, the exhibit has ended :(

xo, Zaddy


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